The Evelyne Accad International Research Award supports graduate student research on issues related to women in the Middle East and Northern Africa.
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The Friends of WGGP fund supports research and engagement activities of WGGP, such as travel to conferences by faculty and students, publication of the biannual newsletter, special publications, and related activities.
The Rita and Arnold Goodman Fellowship supports graduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who are preparing to work in the field of women, gender, and international development on such issues as literacy, reproductive rights, political participation, economic security, child welfare, and environmental protection. In selecting recipients, preference is given to students whose work promises to make a significant practical contribution to the improvement of women's lives and gender equity in the developing world.
The Barbara A.Yates International Research Award, established by the founding director of WGGP (originally the WID Office), supports graduate students enrolled in WGGP's Gender Relations in International Development (GRID) Minor Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The Evelyne Accad International Research Award supports graduate student research on issues related to women in the Middle East and Northern Africa.