02/02/2023 - Concerned about divisive politics? Join us for a campus-community town hall with a panel of experts on political polarization to answer your questions. We will reflect on how we got here and what we...
08/19/2021 - WGGP has moved! We will join the Illinois Global Institute (IGI), along with several centers at our new home in Coble Hall. The expectation is that over the next year, all IGI units will move to...
02/03/2021 - Women & Gender in Global Perspectives and the Women’s Resources Center are thrilled to host a virtual screening of the acclaimed documentary, RBG. This film follows the life and legacy of the...
01/13/2021 - GRID Student Nehal Elmeligy has published her first peer-reviewed academic article in the Journal of Resistance...
11/24/2020 - WGGP Faculty Affiliate Dr. Rebecca Smith was a guest speaker for the CGS-WGGP panel titled "Syndemics: Theory & Application" (November 11, 2020). Rebecca is an Associate Professor in the...
11/18/2020 - The latest news from the New York Times on how government leaders, school administrations, parents and students are navigating an uncertain season. ...
11/17/2020 - Women participating in politics have navigated unique challenges and opportunities from the coronavirus pandemic. Governments around the world should take these steps to safeguard women’s political...
11/13/2020 - The LAS Global Studies program is currently accepting proposals for the GLBL 296: Global Studies Foundation Seminar (on-campus) and GLBL 298: Global Studies Seminar Abroad...
11/12/2020 - The Center for African Studies will be hosting an event titled "75 years of the UN and the Africana Diaspora--a special CAS webinar" on Tuesday, November 17 @ 10:00am. Event will feature WGGP...
11/12/2020 - WGGP Faculty Affiliate Colleen Murphy has published a Chicago Tribune article titled "Commentary: To protect our democracy, remember: Our opponents are not our enemies" (November 5,...
11/12/2020 - Come see GRID Student Cintia Martins Freitas present at the Lemann Graduate Forum on Friday, November 20. The event...
11/09/2020 - Hosted by the University of Illinois Archives and co-sponsored by WGGP, the November lecture will be presented by Susan Martinis on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, at 12:00pm CST. Susan Martinis is a...
11/02/2020 - The content that we put in the name "Storyteller" in our contemporary world is restrictive of that which it took within traditional African societies. Within the framework of this communication, it...
11/02/2020 - Have you ever waited in a long line for the ladies’ room? Have you ever had a hard time finding a restroom? Discover how public restrooms have historically privileged certain groups of people and...
10/26/2020 - The Altgeld Chimes are turning 100! Join the Marching Illini and the chimes players for a live concert to celebrate the occasion at 3 p.m. on Oct. 30. We ask that you enjoy this event remotely via...