Welcome to the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program (WGGP) at the University of Illinois. I have been the Director of WGGP since 2013, and am also a Professor of Law, Philosophy, and Political Science.
Since 1980, WGGP (formerly Women in International Development (WID)) has had as our goal encouraging and facilitating research, instruction, and service focused on human development and gender equity. Our Faculty Affiliates from across campus comprise a rich community of scholars with expertise in these areas. The complete list of Faculty Affiliates is located in our People tab.
Over 150 graduate students have been involved with WGGP through what was originally a certificate program and is now a graduate minor on Gender Relations in International Development (GRID). In 2015, we hosted our Inaugural Annual GRID Alum Lecture, bringing Dr. Eeshani Kandpal, an Economist at the World Bank, to campus. Each year we highlight our GRID alums on our website, in our weekly newsletter, and on social media. For more information about our GRID minor, please look under the Academics tab.
Our program strives to engage students, faculty as well as community members through lectures, brown bags, and symposia. On the News and Events page, you will find upcoming events that we are hosting or co-sponsoring.
WGGP has received a generous gift to endow the Barbara A. Yates Graduate Fellowship and Barbara a. Yates WGGP Program Series. The Barbara A. Yates Graduate Fellowship will provide the awardee with financial support plus tuition and fee waiver for an academic year. The Barbara A. Yates WGGP Program Series will provide support for lectures, workshops, and conferences on gender equity. Barbara was the founding Director of WGGP and passed away on August 11, 2017. You can learn more about Barbara and her impact through the WILL interview I did with Brian Moline on August 16, 2017 here.
I encourage you to look over our website and learn more about our program. I also invite you to Like us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to learn about happenings on campus and around the world related to human development and gender equity.
We are happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you might have about our program or about how you may get involved with WGGP. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or our Assistant Director, Anita Kaiser, at arkaiser@illinois.edu or (217) 333-6221. We look forward to hearing from you.
Generous private donations provide critical support for our programming and for our students by fellowship and scholarship opportunities. If you would like to contribute to one of our funds, go to the 'Give Now' button at the top of the page and select a fund you would like to support.
Colleen Murphy
Director, Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program
Professor, Law, Philosophy, and Political Science