Cinda Heeren received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois in 2004, and became a senior lecturer in the department shortly after. Nominated more than once, Cinda was known as a champion for students on campus. She was a popular teacher, actively encouraged young women to take up programming, and directed the CS@ILLINOIS GEMS (Girls Engaged in Math and Science) camp. As a faculty member, Cinda received several teaching awards, including the 2014 CS@ILLINOIS Distinguished Educator Award and the 2014 College of Engineering Rose Award for Teaching Excellence. She was also named a College of Engineering Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education Fellow. Cinda currently teaches at The University of British Columbia.
Women featured in our weekly series are part of the 150 for 150 website Celebrating the Accomplishments of Women at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The website was created by the Gender Equity Council and the University Library to highlight women who have made significant achievements during their time at the University either as students, staff, faculty, or alumni.