Karin Berkhoudt

Karin Berkhoudt Photo

Karin Berkhoudt, from The Netherlands, has a Master of Science degree in Biology and is currently a doctoral student in sociocultural anthropology. She has specialized in African primate research and other areas, including food choice of bonobos, rhesus macaques, and bears and bear trade in Europe, Russia, and India. She has become increasingly interested in the human populations affected by the conservation parks in Africa and human environment relations in such settings. Her research will examine the interplay between nature conservation, ethnic politics, and the gender dynamics of daily lives among people of the Bakiga ethnic group living outside the boundaries of Kibale National Park in Uganda. She will be in Uganda this summer and again next year to gather ethnographic data. She hopes to apply her research results “to formulate policy recommendations that incorporate and adjust to an understanding of the role gender plays and that, as such, may contribute to relieve tensions between the state and local communities as well as between ethnic groups.” Ms. Berkhoudt has received a Fulbright Scholarship and several other grants, and she has published articles in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology and other publications. She has co-authored articles and she has also made photographic contributions to publications. She is fluent in several languages and is taking lessons in Bantu.