Cross-Cultural Understanding of Power Harassment in Higher Education Project
First Newsletter (Spring 2022)
Cross-Cultural Understanding Survey (2021)
International and Foreign-Born students, scholars, and staff: We want to hear from you!
“Cross-Cultural Understanding of Power Harassment in Higher Education: Title VII and Title IX, Awareness and Actions”
We are a team of professors and graduate students in the fields of East Asian Studies, Law, Education, Psychology and Gender Studies, studying how international and foreign-born scholars, students, and staff members from cultures and societies other than the U.S.A. perceive power harassment (including sexual misconduct, gender discrimination, and non-sexual forms of power abuse) in higher education and how they understand relevant policies and resources in U.S. higher education. This is an area that has been long overlooked. We want to hear from you!
This survey is completely voluntary. Your voice is extremely important, and we want you to feel comfortable in answering these questions freely and honestly. Your confidentiality is a priority, and whatever information you share on this survey cannot be identified. We cannot access your IP address or link your survey to your identity.
Participating in this study will involve answering survey questions (e.g., asking you how acceptable behaviors such as people telling jokes about other peoples’ bodies, and asking others to go on a date multiple times are). These questions address topics such as gender norms and sexual misconduct. You can stop anytime or skip any questions you prefer not to respond to. All participants will be provided with links to mental health and campus resources.
At the end of the survey, you will be given the opportunity to enter your email address at a separate web page to win a $20 Amazon gift card.
The survey will last about 20–30 minutes. Please note that this survey has a Save and Continue Later feature that allows participants to save answers they have already entered and finish the survey at a later time (by Feb. 28, 2021).
If you are interested, please click on the link listed below for the survey and additional information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact

This project is sponsored and funded by the Humanities Research Institute and Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program.
All the best,
Principal Investigator:
SHAO Dan, Associate Professor
Department and Institution: East Asian Languages & Cultures; Gender and Women Studies
Contact Information:
Principal Investigator:
Nicole Allen, Professor
Department and Institution: Psychology
Contact information:
Principal Investigator:
Colleen Murphy, Roger and Stephany Joslin Professor
Department and Institution: College of Law; Women and Gender in Global Perspectives
Contact Information:
Graduate Assistants:
Ana Garner
Department: Education
Contact Information:
Aggie Rieger
Department: Psychology
Contact Information: